Overview: The Senior Women’s Trial is part of the BHC Senior Selection Policy, which supports our Strategic Plan 2021 to 2024 (Pillar 4 - Performance and Development and key objective 6 - to develop the standard of individual players and teams).
The selection process provide members with the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and interest in playing in certain grades. The Trial will also allow for the BHC Selection Panel to promptly, effectively and appropriately construct the Senior Women’s Squads for the 2021 season. This process will ensure that each player is assessed and evaluated against the criteria outlined within the BHC Senior Selection Policy.
*Note: The Trial allows the BHC Selection Panel to make initial selections based on the criteria outlined within the BHC Senior Selection Policy. BHC members and their assigned Squads may be subject to change throughout the season.
The trial is for any ladies wishing to play RES grade, R2 grade, or play into R2 grade from A2 grade during the seaon.
Please read the BHC Senior Selection Policy, nominate your intent to trial and indicate your preferred playing position(s).
*Note: If you have not yet registered for 2021 please complete the details as "Not a current member".